Practice Fraction Expression

Pop Fractions

Whole numbers - Addition


H \ \ T\ \ U\\ 3\ \ 4 \ \   5    \\ 1 \ \ 2\ \ 9 \\ ———— \\ 4 \ \ 6^{+1} \ \ 4^{1} \\ 4 ,\ \ 6+1, \ \ 4 \\ ———— \\ 4 \ \ 7 \ \ 4 \\ ————
  • Starting from right to left, add five(5) to nine(9)
  • 5 + 9 = 14. Place 4 in units (U) column. Carry 1 in the tens (T) column.
  • 4 + 2 + 1 (carried) = 7. Place the 7 in the tens
  • 3 + 1  = 4. Place the 4 in the hundreds column

Changing verbal statement to algebraic expression starting with the basic operation

  • Addition = sum
  • Subtraction = difference
  • Multiplication = product
  • Division = quotient

Verbal statement

If 8 times a number is reduced by the same number, the result must be 7 times the number

Algebraic expression

8\times x-x=7x
  • Addends are the numbers that are being added in an addition problem.
  • Numerical addends are the actual numbers that are being added.
  • Literal addends are numbers represented by a letter or variable in an algebraic equation.


In the expression 10 + 7 =17, the addends are 10 and 7 with their sum 17


Numerical Addends

In the expression 5 + 9 +11 = 25, the numerical addends are

5, \ 9, \ 11

Literal Addends

In the expression given below

x + y =10 \newline  x, y

The literal addends are x and y

The operation of addition in words are represented thus

  • Sum = more than
  • Plus = greater than
  • Gain = larger than
  • Increase= enlarge
  • Rise= grow
  • Expand = augment



In word, the sum of a number and 10

n + 10


A number plus 20

n + 20


A number gained 20 or increaded by 20

n + 20


50 enlarged or expanded by a number, n.

50 + n

Next on the board...

Subtraction of
whole numbers.

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